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24 Sep 2024 240924

Four mistakes we’re making on water finance in the global South

Well-meaning groups trying to tackle the growing water crisis in developing markets need to take a more realistic approach to finance, argues Joel Kolker.

This article was written by Joel Kolker and originally published by Global Water Intelligence on 5 August 2024. Link to original article. 

"This summer I retired after a 40+ year career of helping to finance and build infrastructure across more than 40 countries on six continents. The focus has always been to deliver critical infrastructure to people and communities who did not have access to basic services, like clean water and sanitation. And while I’ve been part of much larger efforts to leverage billions of dollars to provide these vital resources, the gap in terms of service levels has only grown. For example, a quarter of the world’s population still doesn’t have access to safely managed water and half of us do not have an adequate place to go to the toilet in the morning. In fact, 90% of the wastewater in the global South still goes untreated into our waterways. The problem is real, and growing, and climate change is only going to add more challenges to the water sector.

So, what went wrong, why have we failed, and what must change so the next generation of development professionals can do better? Obviously, that is a complex question but here are a few initial observations:

Financial innovation, guarantees, and the private sector are not magic wands

Billions of dollars of private sector money have been invested in water infrastructure in the global north, but very little has been invested in the south. That’s not due to a lack of effort or financial engineering. Rather, it is primarily because service providers are not financially viable. All the guarantees in the world will not make unrealistic projects creditworthy and, in too many instances, credit enhancements are used to hide or understate real issues impacting bankability. Until more water providers in the global South are efficient, and governance arrangements are respected and implemented with integrity, the private sector will remain reluctant to invest in water infrastructure in emerging markets. Just as importantly, these two constraints also negatively impact public investment as well. 

Stop making unrealistic promises and get back to fundamentals

One of the most frustrating parts of my career has been watching development organizations make unrealistic statements about how many billions of dollars they are going to help raise from the private sector to address the water and sanitation deficit. Admittedly I have been part of this process and, while the intentions may be genuine, the results are minimal compared to the need. All of us involved in the sector, from providers to policy makers to financiers, need to be clear and transparent about how we are going to help water providers become: 1) more technically and financially viable and creditworthy; and 2) create clear, transparent, and enforceable governance and regulatory regimes. Only when these foundational critical steps are in place will we be able to start raising the private capital to support water and sanitation investments that are so desperately needed. 

Unrealistic promises gain traction due to poor leadership and short-termism

How did we get in this cycle of grand promises with minimal results? One challenge is that many of the key players in government, the donor community and non-governmental organisations are often in place for relatively short terms. Too often they make promises about the millions of dollars that can be leveraged when they have no clear or realistic path to deliver these vital resources. To advance their careers these officials make unrealistic commitments knowing that they will rarely be held accountable for long-term outcomes. Sadly, this focus on raising private capital actually undermines efforts to make water service providers more efficient, more viable, more creditworthy, and ultimately more bankable.

We know what to do; stop delaying and focus

For the last decade there has been a growing recognition that the water providers in the south need to become more laser focused on more efficient service, with better regulation and governance. While there have been a lot of nodding heads, and rarely any pushback to this message, there also has not been a concerted effort to improve water operations or governance. Bilateral donors mostly continue to work in silos; demand for Multi-lateral Development Bank resources focuses on infrastructure rather than capacity or vital technical assistance; and governments are not willing to make the tough decisions to improve efficiency and push for better governance, regulation and accountability. What we desperately need is more focus, much better coordination, and funding specifically targeted to achieve efficiency gains and improve governance by supporting technical assistance, training and better leadership.

If I appear frustrated, it is because I am. We know what we need to do to achieve the goal of universal access to water and sanitation. Other sectors, including the energy sector, have made great strides and shown a way forward. Money itself is not the problem; rather it is how we spend and use those limited resources. Finally, more than additional funds solely focused on infrastructure, we need to reprioritize our collective efforts to improve technical and financial efficiency and our governance and administrative arrangement so water providers can achieve creditworthiness. Only when we achieve creditworthiness will water service providers be able to tap the private capital that has long been promised."

Joel Kolker is a water finance expert with over 40 years’ experience at the World Bank and other international organisations. He can be reached at

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25 Oct 2023 231025

UWCI launches its first call for applications

Enabling public urban water and sanitation utilities to apply for support and

In a landmark development in the field of global urban water resilience, the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative (UWCI) will start its first call for applications for the UWCI pilot programme on 30th October, 2023.  UWCI is poised to propel urban water and sanitation utilities towards sustainable financing, fostering increased investments in water and sanitation accessibility and quality (SDG 6) while concurrently bolstering climate resilience (SDG 13). UWCI is underpinned by support from the German and Dutch governments, as well as the European Union and was officially launched at the UN Water Conference in March 2023, firmly establishing its commitment to the Water Action Agenda.

Recognising urban water utilities as key stakeholders in the journey toward sustainable water management, the initiative has extended an invitation to apply to its pilot programme to 19 utilities from Kenya, Malawi, Tanzania, Egypt, Colombia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines. The selection process is competitive, as UWCI seeks to partner with the most reform-minded candidates to ensure its ambitious goals are met.

The UWCI's mission is twofold, striving to enhance the technical, corporate, and financial performance of participating utilities. This holistic approach is designed to foster creditworthiness and secure an affordable, sustainable financing package tailored to meet each utility's individual needs over the next five to ten years.

This call for applications underscores the urgency and commitment to sustainable urban water management, strongly aligned with the global objectives outlined in the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Call for Applications

[The Call for Applications is currently closed]

The application window will open on 30th October, 2023. Invited utilities must submit their applications by 16th December, 2023, of which seven will be selected.

The Call for Applications Information Document as well as all sample documents are available to download in the links below:

In a landmark development in the field of global urban water resilience, the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative (UWCI) will start its first call for applications for the UWCI pilot programme on 30th October, 2023.
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24 Mar 2023 230324

Launch of the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative

Germany and the Netherlands launch joint initiative for water utilities in the growing cities of the Global South

Joint press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany

With the Urban Water Catalyst Initiative, Germany is launching, with support from the Netherlands, the first global initiative to mobilise public and private investment for climate-resilient urban water utilities in the Global South. The aim is to provide city dwellers in the growing cities of the Global South with access to safe drinking water and sanitation. The initiative will therefore support municipal water supply and wastewater utilities in improving their infrastructure on their own and financing it on a permanent basis.

The initiative was launched at the second UN Water Conference currently underway in New York. Germany is providing start-up funding of 32 million euros for the initiative. The next step is to attract further donors and reform-minded water utilities in partner countries.


Development Minister Svenja Schulze said: “Clean drinking water from the tap at all times of the day and adequate sanitation facilities are not a matter of course for many people. Especially in the rapidly growing cities in the Global South, the problem is becoming worse and worse. The climate crisis is above all a water crisis – many of our partner countries are increasingly struggling with long-lasting droughts. However, if cities succeed in getting their unstable water supply under control, this will have enormous benefits for the health and prospects of their populations. With our new initiative, we are supporting urban water utilities in providing more people with clean water and sanitation.”

Director General for International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, Kitty van der Heijden: “The world is not on track to achieve SDG 6. Billions of people worldwide still live without safely managed drinking water, safely managed sanitation and basic hygiene services; especially in rural areas and least developed countries. Cities in low- and lower-middle-income countries are seeing the highest urbanization rates and climate risks, but are substantially lagging behind in water and sanitation infrastructure development. The current rates of progress need to quadruple in order to reach the global target of universal access by 2030. To scale up and reach those who have no access to water and sanitation, we need to have strong and well-functioning water utilities worldwide. Utilities are the key to ensuring sustainable access to WASH services and enhancing resilience in cities as part of the urban transformation.’’

Water and sanitation utilities, especially in emerging and developing countries, are often underfunded, have decaying and inefficient infrastructure, and cannot afford necessary investments in a safer drinking water supply for all city dwellers. Increasing urbanization exacerbates the situation. The number of city dwellers who do not have a secure drinking water supply has almost doubled since 2000. In addition, there are the effects of climate change – one in four of the world's 500 major cities is threatened by acute water shortages.

The new Urban Water Catalyst Initiative builds on the wealth of experience of successful projects from countries such as Kenya, Burkina Faso, Uganda, Cambodia and Bangladesh. Through operational reforms, urban utilities have been able to successfully mobilise new sources of financing for infrastructure improvements. The utility ”Dhaka Water“ in Bangladesh, for example, succeeded in increasing the drinking water access rate of the population from 80 per cent to almost 100 per cent, and reduced water losses by half. Partnerships are a central element of the initiative: interested, reform-minded water utilities in the Global South can draw on the experience and knowledge of such successfully managed water utilities to become more efficient themselves.

The aim of the project is to make water utilities fit so that they can make their investments on their own – through additional own revenues or loans from local banks, municipalities, or governments. If, for example, water pipes or sewage treatment plants can be modernised or poor neighbourhoods can be connected, the entire urban population will benefit from safe access to drinking water and sanitation.

Access to water and sanitation is the basis for a life in dignity, for health and for sustainable development. The UN Water Conference ”Water for Sustainable Development“ will take place from 22 to 24 March 2023 in New York, the first of its kind since 1977. The aim of the UN Water Conference is to significantly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through ambitious voluntary commitments by UN member states. The international voluntary commitments are to be bundled in a ”Water Action Agenda“. In total, the Development Ministry is implementing water and sanitation projects in more than 50 countries worldwide. In the water sector, the BMZ supports its partner countries with more than 445 million euros per year and is one of the world's three largest bilateral donors in that sector.


Joint press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of the Federal Republic of Germany...
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